Time-For-Print (TFP) Photography - Sample contract

Time-For-Print (TFP) Photography Agreement

This Agreement is made between (Photographer Name) ("Photographer") and [Model's Full Name] ("Model"), collectively referred to as "the Parties."

Date of Agreement: [Date]

Shoot Details:

  • Scheduled Date: [Shoot Date]

  • Time: [Start Time] to [End Time]

  • Location: [Shoot Location]

  • Concept and Wardrobe: [Brief Description of Shoot Concept and Wardrobe Requirements]

1. Expectations and Conduct:

  • Punctuality: The Model agrees to arrive on time and be ready to shoot at the scheduled start time and location.

  • Wardrobe: If required, the Model will bring appropriate wardrobe items that fit the concept of the shoot as discussed prior to the shoot date.

  • Professional Conduct: The Model agrees to behave professionally throughout the shoot. This includes not demanding images outside the agreed-upon scope of the shoot.

  • Friends & Family on Set: The Model may be accompanied by 1-2 persons for model safety/comfort. Persons shall not interfere with the shoot or provide directional input to the Model or Photographer.

2. Image Delivery and Rights:

  • Quantity and Selection of Images: The Model will receive a total of X photos—Y chosen by the Photographer and Q chosen by the Model.

  • Proofs and Final Images: Digital proofs will be provided within 5 business days following the shoot. Final retouched images will be delivered within 3 weeks.

  • Image Usage: The Model agrees not to publish digital proofs or remove watermarks. The Model agrees not to sell images as stock or use them on subscription sites without express permission from the Photographer. Model agrees not to stylize or use filters on images.

  • Additional Images: Photographer will provide additional images in black-and-white or different orientations (at the discretion of the photographer), which do not count towards the total of Ximages. Final image count may vary.

3. Copyright and Licensing:

  • Usage by Photographer: The Photographer retains the right to use the images for portfolio and display purposes only. Should an image be licensed for commercial use, the Photographer agrees to pay the Model 15% of the usage fee.

  • Distribution of Images: The Photographer DOES NOT distribute ‘Raw’ or ‘unprocessed or ‘unretouched’ images.

4. File Storage and Access:

  • Duration of Access: Digital files will be available for download for a period of 6 months from the date of the shoot. After this period, the gallery will be archived.

5. Modifications and Termination:

  • Changes to Agreement: Any modifications to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both Parties.

  • Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice. In the case of termination, provisions regarding image use and confidentiality shall survive.

6. Model Release:

  • Photographer will not release final images to model without a completed Model Release on file.


[Photographer's Signature] ________________________ Date: __________

[Model's Signature] ________________________ Date: __________

You should modify this for your own use and use it at your own legal risk. If you are unsure, have a lawyer look it over. Patrick Fore or Patrick Fore Photography LLC can’t be held responsible for any legal issues.



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